Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mounting a ISO to a HP iLO over HTTP - Part 2: Configuring xml file

In Part 1 I walked you thru setting up a IIS repository for ISO images.  Now we have to create a XML file that will instruct the iLO what to do.  This part is the easiest as the HP Lights-Out XML Scripting Sample for Windows  has a INSERT_Virtual_Media.xml file that we can modify.
The sample script looks like this:
!-- RIBCL Sample Script for HP Lights-Out Products --
!--Copyright (c) 2003,2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.--

!-- Description: This is a sample XML script to insert a virtual --
!-- media image --

!-- NOTE: You will need to replace the USER_LOGIN and PASSWORD --
!-- values with values that are appropriate for your --
!-- environment. --

!-- Use CPQLOCFG.EXE ver 2.26 or greater with this script. --

!-- This script was written for iLO 2 firmware version 1.30 --
!-- release. --

!-- See "HP Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor --
!-- Scripting and Command Line Resource Guide" for more --
!-- information on scripting and the syntax of the RIBCL --
!-- XML. --

!-- Firmware support infomation for this script: --
!-- iLO 2 - All versions. --
!-- iLO - All versions. --
!-- RILOE II - All versions. --

LOGIN USER_LOGIN="adminname" PASSWORD="password"
!-- Firmware support infomation for next tag: --
!-- iLO 2 - All versions. --
!-- iLO - All versions. --
!-- RILOE II - None. --
!-- Firmware support infomation for next tag: --
!-- iLO 2 - None. --
!-- iLO - None. --
!-- RILOE II - All versions. --

As you can see it is for a floppy drive not a CDROM. After some tinkering I found that changing the two lines below from the sample xml file would do the trick.

Now all you have to do is save the file up to your HTTP repository and  move on to the next step.

I know the security folks reading this will be going crazy, because you have a clear text file on a anonymously open web server.  My first point to this is that these are just examples on how it can be done, and does not mean it is the only way to do it.  Second the web server should be a internal use only and not open to the public Internet.  Third this is free advise, so you get what you pay for!! :)  I need to test using the HPONCFG (c7000 OA command) and CPLOCFG.exe (Rack and Stack iLO config utility) to see if I can remove the username and password from the XML file.

1 comment:

Torx said...

Post updated, sorry for the delay